Baldurs Gate 3 joining failed error: What is it & can you fix?

A major error has struck Baldurs Gate 3, affecting tons of console players. So, what is the joining failed error in Baldurs Gate 3, and can it be fixed? Lets take a look and find out. Since its full release, Baldurs Gate 3 has seen unbridled success, with many calling it the RPG of the

A major error has struck Baldur’s Gate 3, affecting tons of console players. So, what is the joining failed error in Baldur’s Gate 3, and can it be fixed? Let’s take a look and find out.

Since its full release, Baldur’s Gate 3 has seen unbridled success, with many calling it the RPG of the decade and praising its design, story, characters, and so much more. However, a game as large as this one can’t come without its faults, which has been made apparent through a frustrating ‘joining failed’ error.

Many console players have reported seeing this error suddenly, prompting many to wonder what it means and whether they can fix the issue.

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What is the Baldur’s Gate 3 joining failed error?

The Baldur’s Gate 3 joining failed error is an issue that prevents console players from accessing the game’s multiplayer capabilities.

It can be extremely frustrating for those players who want to enjoy the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 with their friends, particularly if that’s the only way they want to experience the story,

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Can you fix the Baldur’s Gate 3 joining failed error?

You can certainly try to fix the Baldur’s Gate 3 joining failed error. Shared by the Baldur’s Gate 3 Twitter, it was revealed that “the workaround is to disconnect your PS5 from the internet.”

Naturally, this can be a little frustrating, especially since it’ll just eliminate the multiplayer option. However, the company was sure to explain that they’re currently “investigating the problem” but that it “appears to be a PSN-related issue.”

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Some PS5 players are experiencing sudden Baldur’s Gate 3 crashes in what appears to be a PSN-related issue.

We’re investigating the problem, but for now, the workaround is to disconnect your PS5 from the internet.

— Baldur's Gate 3 (@baldursgate3) September 18, 2023

So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about the Baldur’s Gate 3 joining failed error. While waiting for your PS5 to restart, take a look at some of our other handy Baldur’s Gate 3 guides and content:

Best Sorcerer build | Best Bard build | Best Rogue build | Best Fighter build | Best Ranger build | Best Druid build | Best Warlock build | Best Wizard build | Baldur’s Gate 3: What’s the max level cap? | Best Baldur’s Gate 3 classes tier list | How to revive characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 | Can you multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3 | Baldur’s Gate 3 Soul Coins: How to get them & what they are | Baldur’s Gate 3: Fastest ways to get XP & level up | Baldur’s Gate 3: How to respec your character | Baldur’s Gate 3 Karmic Dice: What are they? | How to unlock Displacer Beast in Baldur’s Gate 3

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How to fix Baldur’s Gate 3 crashing on PC, Xbox Series X/S & PS5

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