The Best and Worst of One Life to Live - One Life To Live

I was a very late-comer to the show - I came in around the time Brett Claywell joined the cast, but then caught a couple of years' worth of earlier stuff via youtube at various points along the way. I like a lot of the characters, so it's hard to narrow it down even to

I was a very late-comer to the show - I came in around the time Brett Claywell joined the cast, but then caught a couple of years' worth of earlier stuff via youtube at various points along the way.  I like a lot of the characters, so it's hard to narrow it down even to ten, but here goes:












( I want to fit at least a half-dozen other characters into that Top 10 - David, Rex, Schuyler, Vicky, Shane, Destiny, Jessica, Clint, Tea, Stacy, Layla, Christian, even John McBain (gasp!)... and okay, that's already even more than a half-dozen more, but I really like a lot of characters from the few years I watched the show before it went off the air)

I happily admit I have, shall we say "non-standard" taste in soap opera stuff?  Because I think my favorite storyline was the bag-of-blood and the other stuff surrounding that whole crazy blackmail.  It was the first major storyline I watched on this show, so I have a sentimental attachment to it.  It's probably the only way to explain my ongoing love for Kyle, who clearly should not be trusted around DNA and blood test results, given that he comes into the show bringing incorrect results about Bo and David, goes on to switch blood test results for Shane's donor and later uses that to blackmail Roxy and Stacy, uses DNA results to blackmail Natalie and Jared, and then runs unauthorized DNA results on Fish to verify Sierra's paternity.  If I didn't love the character so much, I'd have to hate him for being allowed anywhere near a lab.

Least favorites:

- Those two Ford brothers who weren't Robert, and their horrible, horrible father - Just annoying.

- Langston - I know she was too young when she first moved in with Marco (and Starr and Cole), but I still hated her for cheating on Marco.  He didn't deserve that.

- Greg - too full of himself, and I hate that Rachel thought he was more interesting than Shaun, who was so cool and nice

- Jack as a teenaged bully - no explanation needed for this one, is there?  (Though I didn't mind younger, pre-SORAS Jack)

That's about all I got for least favorites.  

