Apex Legends classes explained each new character class in-depth

Respawn Entertainment has introduced several important changes to Apex Legends in the Season 16 update, but none of them are quite as exciting as the upheavel of Apex Legends classes and the previously ineffective class system. From Season 16 onwards, Respawn Entertainment has implemented a new system that puts the onus on new class-specific perks

Respawn Entertainment has introduced several important changes to Apex Legends in the Season 16 update, but none of them are quite as exciting as the upheavel of Apex Legends classes and the previously ineffective class system. From Season 16 onwards, Respawn Entertainment has implemented a new system that puts the onus on new class-specific perks to add a new layer of strategy to this shooter.

If you’re looking for more information on the rest of Respawn Entertainment’s changes, you’ll be pleased to know that Apex Legends’ Season 16 map changes are bringing back a fan-favourite POI – and that Apex Legends is sunsetting Arenas to add a highly requested feature to the battle royale.

However, it’s not all fun and games. Respawn Entertainment has also confirmed that Apex Legends is still “not planning” to use Mobile content in the main game. But, at the very least, we have a new class system to look forward to with the promise of a refreshed legend meta and new-found importance when it comes to squad composition.

What are the Apex Legends classes?

There are five Apex Legends classes, split across the roster. Here’s how each legend fits in with the assignment:

ClassHeroes Included
AssaultAsh, Bangalore, Fuse, Mad Maggie, Revenant
SkirmisherHorizon, Mirage, Pathfinder, Octane, Wraith, Valkyrie
ReconBloodhound, Crypto, Seer, Vantage
ControllerCatalyst, Caustic, Rampart, Wattson
SupportGibraltar, Lifeline, Loba, Newcastle

Each of these five classes will have a unique perk attributed to it. Within each of them, every character on this Apex Legends tier list will be sorted based on their strengths in matches and how viable they are. These new classes with Season 16 and on are aimed at rebalancing the classes and Legends.

Apex Legends classes perks: An image of the Assault icon from the battle royale game

Assault class

Apex Legends’ Assault class is all about combat initiation and utility during a firefight. As you might be able to figure out for yourself, Apex Legends’ Assault class features Ash, Bangalore, Fuse, Maggie, and Revenant.

All five of those Apex Legends characters will be able to take advantage of the Assault class perk which allows them to access the newly introduced Red Supply Bins’ hidden shelf. This hidden shelf will use the Smart Loot system we see in use on Storm Point to provide Assault class players with attachments and ammo relevant to the weapons they have equipped.

In addition to this, Apex Legends’ Assault class characters will also be able to carry an additional stack of ammo per inventory slot – meaning they’re always prepared for a gunfight.

Apex Legends classes perks: an image of the Skirmisher icon from the battle royale game

Skirmisher class

Apex Legends’ Skirmisher class is more focused on combat mobility and the ability to escape when things aren’t looking good. This is Apex Legends’ most populated class, with Horizon, Mirage, Octane, Pathfinder, Valkyrie, and Wraith all members.

The unique Apex Legends Skirmisher class perk will allow all six of these legends to keep tabs on all incoming care packages and their contents. Skirmisher class legends will be able to tell exactly what’s inside a dropping care package, and then if it’s been opened and that item has been taken.

This isn’t just going to help them keep their team well-equipped, but it’s also going to allow them to keep an eye on enemy squads – maybe even set up an ambush. Also, one of the new Apex Legends Season 16 care package weapons is getting “super buffed”, so you’re going to want to get your hands on that if you can.

Apex Legends classes perks: an image of the recon icon from the battle royale game

Recon class

Apex Legends’ updated Recon class is, as you might imagine, all about gathering intel on your enemies and tracking their movements ahead of your next firefight. Of course, you might not be in a position to dictate when that firefight starts, but having as much information as possible is never a bad thing.

The updated Apex Legends Recon class will include Bloodhound, Crypto, Seer, and Vantage and they will be able to scan modified Survey Beacons to trigger a huge scan that reveals all enemy positions for 30s. Enemies are notified of this scan, but it’s certainly going to be a useful tool to have access to.

You might think that Apex Legends’ Season 16 update is actually making the scan meta worse by introducing this feature – and you might be right – but we’ll have to wait and see how effective this truly is in-game. Either way, playing a Recon class character in Apex Legends has more weight to it than before; that’s hardly a bad thing, right?

Apex Legends classes perks: an image of the controller icon from the battle royale game

Controller class

Caustic, Catalyst, Rampart, and Wattson are all members of Apex Legends’ Controller class; this, as you might expect given the class’ name, is a group of characters with area defence and control at the forefront of their gameplay.

So, that’s why these legends will now be the only ones able to access ring data through the newly-added Ring Console. Like the Survey Beacon, these will sporadically appear across the map and should provide Controller class players information on the next ring to better inform their rotations and any defensive set-ups they decide to create.

We know this might upset some Pathfinder mains, but he is getting a buff in Season 16 and the aforementioned Skirmisher class perk is far from a bad thing. Respawn Entertainment has also explained that nothing is necessarily permanent – so, who knows what’s going to happen in the future.

Apex Legends classes perks: an image of the support icon from the battle royale game

Support class

We can’t quite believe we’re saying this, but from Season 16 onwards, Apex Legends’ Support class is no longer limited to Lifeline – and we’re thrilled. The new Apex Legends Support class is made up of Gibraltar, Lifeline, Loba, and Newcastle; with a new focus on team survival and supply, this selection of legends will all now have access to the hidden shelf in blue Extended Supply Bins.

That’s not all, though. All Support-class legends will now also be able to craft fallen ally banners at Crafting Stations in-game – even if they’re expired. This makes them perfect for keeping a team in the fight and, we can imagine, a decent pairing with a legend in the Skirmisher class.

Loba may be one of Apex Legends’ Support legends, but her kit isn’t changing at all in Season 16. So, she’s still going to be able to spy high-value loot items from a distance – and then grab them with her Black Market.

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Well, that’s all there is to it – everything you need to know about the Apex Legends classes and the new class perks available in-game. If you want to know more about all the changes coming to what is one of the best battle royale games out there, you can check out the latest set of Apex Legends patch notes; there are quite a lot of changes coming.

