FSS Story *spoiler alert!* (Page 3 of 5) MyFigureCollection.net

The attendant has arrived on a hill to catch the fight, but is surprised by some militiamen who are looking to get into it too. The very next panel, they are dispatched by the detective fellow, who reveals himself as Barbaluse V, one of the elite of Fillmore's Kneue Syltiss to the absolute horror of

Muse is looking to avenge the lives of the headdliners and fatimas that this maniac has killed and engages him head on. Kaien thinks that he's insane for going at the Temple this way and the Temple wastes no time using it's secret weapon, the Dragon's Teeth, which rips off the sholders of opposing MH's. Doesn't work that well with the Bang Doll as it's untouched.

The attendant has arrived on a hill to catch the fight, but is surprised by some militiamen who are looking to get into it too. The very next panel, they are dispatched by the detective fellow, who reveals himself as Barbaluse V, one of the elite of Fillmore's Kneue Syltiss to the absolute horror of the attendent, who didn't realize who he was. Barbaluse regrets that he didn't think to bring his fatima Machi or his Siren to take on the Temple and joins the attendent in watching.

The battle is over soon afterward, as Iller thinks he's got it won with the Dragon's Tooth. He didn't take the Bang Doll's secret Energy Sword into consideration and a few short panels later is dispatched with ease. Ananda ejects and the main command uses a self destruct mechanism to destroy the Ashura Temple so it would not fall into enemy hands. Tomoe, who has also been watching is disgusted that the two suits didn't destroy each other but as her job is finished, she could really care less.

The battle is not yet over, as Barbaluse alerts Muse to the fact that the main command keeping tabs on the Temple have been monitoring the battle and have captured all the data on the bang doll. Kaien can't belive that they would stoop so low as to do such a thing and without further ado, the ship rises out of the sand. The scientist aboard thanks them for all the choice data on the Klbarcahn's secret MH and Muse attempts to hit them with mortar fire. It does no good as the Bang Doll doesn't have that kind of energy left. Ssizz, remembering her promise, apologizes for not being able to keep it....

...Or does she? At this moment, a large object flies toward the scene at such a fast rate that both Aisha and Kaien are caught off guard. It's the Thunder Dragon and he's pretty pissed. The cocky scientist and crew fire on the dragon, realizes that they can't hit it, then try to make a get away at the speed of sound. Doesn't work as the dragon teleports and launches an attack more powerful than any MH weapon, the Thunder Blast. Scientist 0, Dragon 1!! Muse calls the attack Divine Retribution.

Kaien looks over at the wreckage when Jabo finally shows up noting that Aisha took quite a beating. Aisha is trying to free Allecto, who is being burned alive by steam inside the cockpit. The door won't budge until she gets some help from the Dragon. After saving Allecto, he gives her a message for Amateratsu on behalf of the LED Dragon. While the dragons are content to leave humanity to their devices, the land of Kastempo belongs to them and will never come under the rule of the AKD. With this, he flies away. He has one thing to do before he leaves, bestowing Ssizz with one of the galaxies most valuable treasures, a Dragon Drop. He tells her that she fulfilled her part of the bargain and for that, she may call on him whenever she needs him from the realms of both living and dead, and from Fortune. Smiling, he leaves her. Kaien thinks about asking Muse to trade her for Auxo. ^_^' The final scene here is the epilogue, talking about how Amateratsu will leave this land to the Dragons and how the anti-Amateratsu forces will eventually rise from this land led by Colus VI and Daizana.

Two weeks later, Kaien, as Hitter is reading the papers for news from Klbarcan but none is forthcoming. Muse seems troubled that no one has contacted him even though he violated Canon law to use the Bang Doll. He also wonders where Hitter gets his information. Hitter is surprised that he hasn't figured out who he is, and tells Muse that his training will be formally over once he figures this out, to which Muse is puzzled.

On Klbarcan, a order for parts has arrived and the the rest of the Lown Knights have brought it to the attention of the current Pope. They wonder why he hasn't said anything to repremand Muse and if he is to be contacted or even excommunicated. The pope will hear none of it and says to leave him be t figure things for himself. He also bids them to look at the pile of letter on his desk, sent without Muse's knowledge, bidding him for leinancy. The notes are all from dignitaries, Princess Mugumica Collet of the A'P, Fillmore's King Lader, The leader of the Jota Space Knights. The note from Hitter puzzles them the most until it's pointed out that the crest under his name belongs to Dougulass Kaein, the last remaining Sword Sage. Finally, a signed letter from Amateratsu himself, which the the Pope says is now a national treasure. He's envious of the peopel Muse has come in contact with and says it befits a future pope.

This part of the FSS ends in some small town with someone nasty causing trouble. An older knight, Black Knight Roards tells the youngster to quiet down and is challenged to a sword fight. The youngster dispatches of him and gives him no respect, saying that he's Decors Weismal and for him not to forget it. He won't as he's been dealt a fatal blow. He dies in that town. Est, who's outside town in the Doorey is concerned, but thinks he's just decided to stay in town that evening. On a mountain top nearby, her protector, the Black Dragon watches on protecting....

