Sweaty Feet

Sweating is a natural process and the way by which the body keeps itself cool. Each foot has over 250,000 sweat glands and between them the feet can produce up to a pint of sweat in a day. The amount of sweat will depend on the climatic conditions and the type offootwearbeing worn.

Why do my feet sweat?

Sweating is a natural process and the way by which the body keeps itself cool. Each foot has over 250,000 sweat glands and between them the feet can produce up to a pint of sweat in a day. The amount of sweat will depend on the climatic conditions and the type of footwear being worn.

Many people who think they suffer from sweaty feet or hyperhidrosis are actually only being subjected to climate related normal sweating. However, hyperhidrosis can sometimes be a major health issue and may give rise to other complications. Hence, it should not be ignored, but be diagnosed and treated.

Symptoms of Sweaty Feet

Among the most common symptoms of sweaty feet are:

  • A bad odor emanating from the feet
  • Itchiness of the feet
  • Toenail fungus
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Development of other skin problems on the feet
  • Socks and shoes are often dampwith perspiration
  • Clammy feeling in the feet that may fade for short periods of time but always returns.

Causes of Sweaty Feet

There are many reasons why a person may suffer from sweaty feet. Emotional stress and physical activity are among the most common reasons. Genetics and heredity can also cause it.

Toxicity in the body due to excessive alcohol intake, smoking and eating the wrong type of foods can also cause excessive sweating of the feet. Using the wrong type of socks – those that do not absorb sweat and restrict air flow over the feet –could also cause sweaty feet.

Preventing Sweaty Feet

There are many simple things that you can try for yourself to prevent sweaty feet and related complications. These include:

  • Wearing shoes that allow your feet to breath. This air circulation helps dry up perspiration.
  • Drying feet thoroughly after bathing and whenever they become wet as damp feet sweat more than dry ones. If necessary, use a hair dryer to ensure that the feet, especially the area between the toes, is dry.
  • Wear cotton socks that allow the feet to breathe rather than synthetic ones.
  • Wash your feet frequently.
  • Ensure that your shoes are clean and dry – inside and out – before putting them on.
  • If your shoes tend to become damp quickly, keep another pair of shoes handy so you can switch to those while the first pair dries out.
  • Change your socks frequently and as soon as you feel them getting damp.
  • Use anti-fungal foot powders and sprays.
  • Apply antiperspirant to the soles of your feet.

If none of these options help to control the problem of sweaty feet, then it is a good idea to consult a podiatrist who will be able to advise other ways of bringing the problem under control.

